This is a disease of the blood, characterized by a deficiency of albumen and red corpuscles. It is a disease that more frequently affects women than men; the very young and the very old are most subject to it, and especially, if of a nervous, irritable or hysterical disposition Among the exciting causes are defective hygiene, poor diet, want of, or excessive exercise, grief, or other strong emotions.

The symptoms are great pallor, muscular weakness frequent pulse, dizziness, breathlessness on slight exertion and fainting. There is another form of this trouble, known as Essential Anemia, or Progressive Pernicious Anemia, which almost invariably terminates in death; while in the first form, or simple anemia, there is no reason whatever for a fatal result, if treated judiciously.


The condition of the blood must be improved, and as the blood is only formed from the food that is eaten, the importance of getting the digestive function into good working order is apparent. Also to supply those elements to the system that the condition of the blood shows to be necessary, all of which can be furnished in properly selected articles of food.

The body must be cleansed internally, by means of the "Cascade," using it as frequently as the condition of the patient will permit, without unduly taxing the system. The skin should be kept active by frequent warm or tepid baths, followed by gentle friction with a soft towel. A half pint of hot water should be slowly sipped soon after rising, and no nourishment partaken of for at least half an hour. Gentle exercise should be employed, to promote circulation; or if too weak, substitute massage. Eggs and milk should be freely partaken of.

The eggs are preferable raw, beaten in milk, if not, then lightly boiled or poached. Milk should only be taken in quantities of from two to four ounces at a time. Some good preparation of whole wheat should be partaken of once daily for the benefit of the phosphates contained in it, but iron is the element most, needed, and this is to be obtained in the following articles: first and foremost, spinach, then beets, tomatoes, dark skinned grapes and ditto plums.

Lastly, and most important, is the practice of deep breathing to thoroughly oxygenate the blood.


  1. Anonymous // October 10, 2009 at 12:48 AM  

    Thanks for sharing this since I am finding this in my brother and I think I should take him to hospital as early as possible.

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